Monday, July 28, 2014


This command returns an array of HTML or XML elements matching the given XPath expression. This means it is actually a shortcut for document.evaluate().

Currently this command is limited to node arrays. See issue 18 for supporting other results to be printed.


$x(xpath [, contextNode [, resultType]])

XPath expression used to match the elements to return. This follows the syntax of document.evaluate(). (required)

Element used as root node for the XPath expression. (optional; added in Firebug 1.11)


Object type returned by the function. (optional; added in Firebug 1.11)


Object type returned by the function. (optional; added in Firebug 1.11)

Option document.evaluate() equivalent Description
"number" XPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE Numerical value
"string" XPathResult.STRING_TYPE String value
"bool" XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE Boolean value
"node" XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE Single HTML element
"nodes" XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE Array of HTML elements


1. $x("//h1")

This returns an array of all

2. $x("//input[@type='checkbox']")

This returns an array of all checkboxes of a page.

3. $x("count(//h1)>5")

This checks whether there are more than five
s in the page and returns true or false. (requires Firebug 1.11 or higher)

4. $x("//p/b[1]/text()")

This returns an array of all text nodes within every first of all s of a page.

5. $x(".//button", $$("form")[1])

This returns an array of all within the second

of a page. (requires Firebug 1.11 or higher)

6. $x("//p", document, "node")

This returns the first inside the page. (requires Firebug 1.11 or higher)