Wednesday, December 10, 2008

B2B – Business to Business Integration Software

B2B (Business to Business) describes any business that sells products or provides services to another business. Business to Business integration software enables companies to manage the integration and automation of business processes with key suppliers, partners, and customers via the Internet. It does this by allowing new and existing information systems to communicate with each other in a common language and framework. iWay Software supports B2B integration initiatives through a network of connectors and adapters as well as through the universal language of XML.

Connectors transport application requests through the iWay infrastructure where they are routed to adapters, transformed, and optimized for the desired data source. Adapters then return the requested information to the appropriate connector that hands it back over to the requesting application. Using this method, iWay connectors enable virtually any application to reach enterprise transaction systems, procedures, application packages, and data in more than 300 relational, nonrelational, ERP, and proprietary sources on over 35 platforms.

iWay Service Manager provides a simple, cost-effective XML framework that ties this all together. For more complex B2B implementations, iWay provides native support for application servers and integration brokers from such vendors as IBM, Microsoft, and BEA.
Glossary of Related Terms

Adapters (Data Adapters, Application Adapters)
B2B (B2B Software, Business to Business Integration, Business to Business)
BI Software
BI Systems (BI Services)
BI Technology (B.I. Technologies)
BI Tools
BizTalk Server (BizTalk Integration, BizTalk Adapters )
Business Integration
Business Intelligence (Business Intelligence Software, Business Intelligence Solution)
Compliance (Compliance Reporting, Regulatory Reporting)
Data Analysis
Database Integration (Data Integration, Enterprise Data Integration)
Decision Support (Decision Support System, Decision Support Systems, DSS)
EAI (Enterprise Application Integration, Enterprise Integration)
e-Business (eBusiness, e-Business Software)
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP Adapters, ERP Systems, ERP Integration)
ESB (Enterprise Service Bus)
ETL (Extract, Transform, Load, ETL Tools, ETL Software)
Extended Enterprise
Information Delivery
Integration (Enterprise Integration, Systems Integration, Integration Software)
IT Infrastructure (Infrastructure Software)
Key Performance Indicators (Developing KPIs)
Messaging (Messaging Integration, Messaging Technology)
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing, OLAP Tools)
Real-Time Reporting
Reporting (Web Reporting, Enterprise Reporting, Reporting Tools)
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA, SOA and EAI, SOA and Java, SOA Adapters)
Web Services (Web Services integration, Web Services EAI)

GUI Checklist

User Interface Testing Checklist



1.1.1 Are hyperlink colors standard?

1.1.2 Are the field backgrounds the correct color?

1.1.3 Are the field prompts the correct color?

1.1.4 Are the screen and field colors adjusted correctly for non-editable mode?

1.1.5 Does the site use (approximately) standard link colors?

1.1.6 Are all the buttons are in standard format and size?

1.1.7 Is the general screen background the correct color?

1.1.8 Is the page background (color) distraction free?


1.2.1 All fonts to be the same1.

2.2 Are all the screen prompts specified in the correct screen font?

1.2.3 Does content remain if you need to go back to a previous page, or if you move forward to another new page?

1.2.4 Is all text properly aligned?

1.2.5 Is the text in all fields specified in the correct screen font?

1.2.6 Is all the heading are left aligned

1.2.7 Does the first letter of the second word appears in lowercase? Eg:


1.3.1 Are all graphics properly aligned?
1.3.2 Are graphics being used the most efficient use of file size?

1.3.3 Are graphics optimized for quick downloads?

1.3.4 Assure that command buttons are all of similar size and shape, and same font & font size.

1.3.5 Banner style & size & display exact same as existing windows

1.3.6 Does text wrap properly around pictures/graphics?

1.3.7 Is it visually consistent even without graphics?


1.4.1 Is all the error message text spelt correctly on this screen?

1.4.2 Is all the micro-help text(i.e tool tip) spelt correctly on this screen?

1.4.3 Microhelp text(i.e tool tip) for every enabled field & button

1.4.4 Progress messages on load of tabbed(active screens) screens


1.5.1 Are all disabled fields avoided in the TAB sequence?

1.5.2 Are all read-only fields avoided in the TAB sequence?

1.5.3 Can all screens accessible via buttons on this screen be accessed correctly?

1.5.4 Does a scrollbar appear if required?

1.5.5 Does the Tab Order specified on the screen go in sequence from Top Left to bottom right? This is the default unless otherwise specified.

1.5.6 Is there a link to home on every single page?

1.5.7 On open of tab focus will be on first editable field

1.5.8 When an error message occurs does the focus return to the field in error when the user cancels it?


1.6.1 Are all the field prompts spelt correctly?

1.6.2 Are fonts too large or too small to read?

1.6.3 Are names in command button & option box names are not abbreviations.

1.6.4 Assure that option boxes, option buttons, and command buttons are logically grouped together in clearly demarcated areas “Group Box”

1.6.5 Can the typical user run the system without frustration?

1.6.6 Do pages print legibly without cutting off text?

1.6.7 Does the site convey a clear sense of its intended audience?

1.6.8 Does the site have a consistent, clearly recognizable “look-&-feel”?

1.6.9 Does User cab Login Member Area with both UserName/Email ID ?

1.6.9 Does the site look good on 640 x 480, 600×800 etc.?

1.6.10 Does the system provide or facilitate customer service? i.e. responsive, helpful, accurate?

1.6.11 Is all terminology understandable for all of the site’s intended users?
Performance & Security Testing Checklist


1.1 LOAD

1.1.1 Many users requesting a certain page at the same time or using the site simultaneously

1.1.2 Increase the number of users and keep the data constant

1.1.3 Does the home page load quickly? within 8 seconds

1.1.4 Is load time appropriate to content, even on a slow dial-in connection?

1.1.5 Can the site sustain long periods of usage by multiple users?

1.1.6 Can the site sustain long periods of continuous usage by 1 user?

1.1.7 Is page loading performance acceptable over modems of different speeds?

1.1.8 Does the system meet its goals for response time, throughput, and availability?

1.1.9 Have you defined standards for response time (i.e. all screens should paint within 10 seconds)?

1.1.10 Does the system operate in the same way across different computer and network configurations, platforms and environments, with different mixes of other applications?


1.2.1 Increase the data by having constant users

1.2.2 Will the site allow for large orders without locking out inventory if the transaction is invalid?

1.2.3 Can the site sustain large transactions without crashing?


1.3.1 Increase both number of users and the data

1.3.2 Performance of memory, CPU, file handling etc.

1.3.3 Error in software, hardware, memory errors (leakage, overwrite or pointers)

1.3.4 Is the application or certain features going to be used only during certain periods of time or will it be used continuously 24 hours a day 7 days a week? Test that the application is able to perform during those conditions. Will downtime be allowed or is that out of the question?

1.3.5 Verify that the application is able to meet the requirements and does not run out of memory or disk space.


1.4.1 Is confidentiality/user privacy protected?

1.4.2 Does the site prompt for user name and password?

1.4.3 Are there Digital Certificates, both at server and client?

1.4.4 Have you verified where encryption begins and ends?

1.4.5 Are concurrent log-ons permitted?

1.4.6 Does the application include time-outs due to inactivity?

1.4.7 Is bookmarking disabled on secure pages?

1.4.8 Does the key/lock display on status bar for insecure/secure pages?

1.4.9 Is Right Click, View, Source disabled?

1.4.10 Are you prevented from doing direct searches by editing content in the URL?

1.4.11 If using Digital Certificates, test the browser Cache by enrolling for the Certificate and completing all of the required security information. After completing the application and installation of the certificate.

Defining the Testing Methodology

A major part of your test plan is describing the strategy for testing. When planning your methodology, consider:

• Where will the testing take place?
• Who will perform the tests?
• How will you communicate with and involve participants?
• How will you schedule the testing?
• How will you manage application problems?

Outsourcing is one option for application testing. To determine if you will use this option, consider the following:

• Do you have staff available for testing?
• Does your staff have the appropriate level of expertise?
• What are the internal costs compared to the outsourcing costs?
• What is your time frame? Can the testing get done faster if you outsource it?
• What are your security requirements? Would you need to provide confidential data to an external organization?

When you test internally, select experienced testers. If your organization has a group of application testers, it is recommended that you use them. If you do not have such a group or they are unavailable, look for ways to use a variety of resources to achieve the best results in a reasonable amount of time. For example, you can use a few experienced testers to develop a battery of test cases, which they can train others to run. Alternatively, you might have the experienced testers perform a core set of tests and then coordinate with business units to have their experts come to the lab to perform the functions they use in their work.

Devise a process for scheduling test days and communicating with the testers. For example, you might set up a Web site on your intranet where anyone can view test dates, status reports, contact names, and other relevant documents.

Establish a procedure for managing test results. Describe roles and responsibilities, including the following:

• Who enters problem reports in the incident tracking system?
• How are problems prioritized, assigned, and resolved?
• Who tracks the resolution of problems and retesting of applications?
• How do testers enter test results in the test tracking and reporting system?

Case Study ..... Phase....

What Is PHP?

The endless possibilities of the PHP scripting language and a great community of users has made it one of the most popular open-source languages. For all you people living outside the UNIX world, Open Source means it doesn't cost anything. You can use it as much as you want and where you want, and nobody will ever charge you thousands of dollars for licenses and support. Even though it was originally conceived as a set of macros to help coders maintain personal home pages, its name grew a lot more from its purpose. Since then, PHP's capabilities have been extended, taking it beyond a set of utilities to a full-featured programming language, capable of managing huge database-driven online environments.

Links of interest
Free Project Management Education

PHP scripting

PHP is now officially known as "PHP: HyperText Preprocessor". It is a server-side scripting language usually written in an HTML context. Unlike an ordinary HTML page, a PHP script is not sent directly to a client by the server; instead, it is parsed by the PHP binary or module, which is server-side installed. HTML elements in the script are left alone, but PHP code is interpreted and executed. PHP code in a script can query databases, create images, read and write files, talk to remote servers - the possibilities are endless. The output from PHP code is combined with the HTML in the script and the result sent to the user?s web-browser, therefore it can never tell the user whether the web-server uses PHP or not, because all the browser sees is HTML.

PHP's support for Apache and MySQL further increases its popularity. Apache is now the most-used web-server in the world, and PHP can be compiled as an Apache module. MySQL is a powerful free SQL database, and PHP provides a comprehensive set of functions for working with it. The combination of Apache, MySQL and PHP is all but unbeatable.

That doesn?t mean that PHP cannot work in other environments or with other tools. In fact, PHP supports an extensive list of databases and web-servers. The rise in popularity of PHP has coincided with a change of approach in web-publishing. While in the mid-1990s it was ok to build sites, even relatively large sites, with hundreds of individual hard-coded HTML pages, today?s webmasters are making the most of the power of databases to manage their content more effectively and to personalize their sites according to individual user preferences.

Reasons for using PHP
There are some indisputable great reasons to work with PHP. As an open source product, PHP is well supported by a talented production team and a committed user community. Furthermore, PHP can be run on all the major operating systems with most servers.

The speed of development is also important. Because PHP allows you to separate HTML code from scripted elements, you will notice a significant decrease in development time on many projects. In many instances, you will be able to separate the coding stage of a project from the design and build stages. Not only can this make life easier for you as a programmer, but it also can remove obstacles that stand in the way of effective and flexible design.

Well-maintained open source projects offer users additional benefits. You benefit from an accessible and committed community who offer a wealth of experience in the subject, as fast and as cheap as possible. Chances are that any problem you encounter in your coding can be answered swiftly and easily with a little research. If that fails, a question sent to a mailing list or forum can have an intelligent, authoritative response. You also can be sure that bugs will be addressed as they are found, and that new features will be made available as the need is defined. You will not have to wait for the next commercial release before taking advantage of improvements, and there is no hidden interest in a particular server product or operating system. You are free to make choices that suit your needs or those of your clients and incorporate whatever components you want.

What Is PHP?

PHP Installation

PHP Configuration

Your First PHP Script

Structure Of PHP Script

Types In PHP

PHP Variables And Constants

Programming PHP Arrays

PHP Operators And Expressions

PHP Conditional Structures

PHP Loop Structures

PHP Functions

Object Oriented Programming In PHP

Expanding PHP Classes

File Handling PHP

PHP Cookies

PHP Sessions

PHP Database Manipulation

Debugging PHP Scripts

Future Of PHP

Test Plan Development - Step 1

In this segment, we look at the first step of developing a test plan - Assembling the Test team.

Step I - Assembling the test teamThe test team should be organized concurrently with the development team. The purpose of the test team is to perform verification and validation as it relates to implementation. For a specific project, the purpose of the test team is:

1) To perform verification and validation for the deliverables from development and solution delivery

2) To act as consultants to the development team during Unit Testing.

Task I.I - Identify Key Application AreasThis task identifies the key application areas that must be involved in testing. It should also identify the testing group's responsibilities to those areas. For example, testing might be responsible to development for integration testing and system testing, and to solution delivery for release testing.

Output: Statement of Application Areas

Task I.II - Identify Key IndividualsThis task identifies important individuals who will be involved, both directly and indirectly, in the testing process. The persons selected as members of the test team will be directly responsible for testing activities while others that act as sponsors will be indirectly involved.

Specific individuals involved in testing should include the following:

1. Quality Assurance Manager

2. Quality Assurance Analysts

3. Test Manager

4. Test Analysts

5. Project Manager

6. Project Team Leader(s)

7. Analysts

8. Programmers

9. Database Services Personnel

10. Network Services Personnel

11. Data Center (Operations) Personnel

12. Customers (Application Users)

Output: Statement of team member responsibilities - This statement assigns specific responsibilities to the members of the test team. This should be the first step in the creation of the Test Work plan that is described in

Task I.III. The work plan should be developed in Microsoft Project or in the management component of an automated test tool.

The first action is to list the testing tasks to be completed. This should be followed by a review of the tasks by all of the test team members. When consensus has be reached that the list is correct and complete, an individual team member must be assigned to each task. A final review based on each member's % of the workload should be completed. MS Project makes this easy as it has several reports that will provide workload, as well as, other statistics.

Task I.III - Assign Individual ResponsibilitiesThe test team members will be responsible for:
* Developing the test Plan

* Developing the required test resources

* Designing the test cases

* Constructing test cases

* Executing test cases according to the test plan

* Managing test resources

* Analyzing Test results

* Issuing test reports

* Recommending application improvements

* Maintaining Test statistics

Individual assignments must be made so that each area of responsibility is covered and someone can be held accountable.

Output: Team Work Plan - The work plan defines milestones and tentative completion dates for all assigned tasks. A project management tools such as Microsoft Project can make this task very easy and the resulting document is a Gantt Chart that illustrates who is responsible for what and when.

Few Software Companies in Kolkata

Acumen Soft Technologies
BE 379, Salt lake City,
Sector 1
Kolkata 70055

Alliant Technologies Private Limited

152, S. P. Mukherjee Road
Kolkata 700026

Apt Software Avenues Pvt Ltd

CF 313 Sector I
Salt Lake
Kolkata 700 064

Bitscrape Solutions Pvt Ltd

#311, SDF Building, 2nd Fl,
Block GP Sector V, Salt Lake
Kolkata 700 091

BE 64Salt Lake
Kolkata 700064


166B S. P. Mukherjee Road
Kolkata 700026

Decision Support Systems

Vidyasagar Sarani, Khirishtalla Sonarpur,
Kolkata 700150

Digital care pvt. ltd.

8P, Chandra mandal lane,
calcutta 700001

Electronics Research & DCI

10/ B Thakur Ramkrishna Road,
PO- Nonachandan Pukur,
Barrackpore Dist - 24 parganas (North)
Kolkata 743102


BE-109 Salt Lake
Sector 1
Kolkata 700064

Kaizen IT Services Pvt. Ltd.

P-525 Hemanta Mukhopadhya Sarani,

Kris Systems Pvt Ltd

FD-14, 2nd Floor, Salt Lake City
Kolkata 700091

Maketick Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd.

IA-262, Sector-III,

MaxMobility PVT LTD

GN-31 Benfish Bhawan
6th Floor Salt Lake City.
Kolkata 700091

MEC Technologies

CJ- 102,
Kolkata-91Ontrack Systems Limited Plot Y-18,
Block EP, Sector V, salt Lake, Kolkata 700 091

Promind India Technologies Pvt ltd

20/ C Lake Road Calcutta 700029


Plot # F5, Block GP, Sector V
Salt Lake Electronics Complex
Kolkata 700 091

Re-Life Digital Solution Pvt Ltd

209 A. J. C Bose RoadKarnani Estate,
Kolkata 700017

Shiva Systems & Technologies Pvt Ltd

60 Shakespeare Sarani, 2nd Floor
Kolkata 700017

siliconline systems pvt ltd

11 A S P Mukherjee Road
Kolkata 700025

Softweb Technologies

4C, Lansdowne Place,
Trikut-4th Floor,
Kolkata 700029

Spatial Developers

20-North Chandmari Road,
P. O: Nonachandanpukur,
Barrackpore24 Parganas(N),
West Bengal Kolkata 700122

Taragana Inc

87 E/ 1 Selimpur Road,
Kolkata - 31

Technotrack solution

Rmarajatala Station road
Howrah Kolkata 711104


KOLKATA 700051

Tirupati Enterprises

11, Robert Street, 1st Floor,
Kolkata 700012


Limited 9 Rawdn Street
Kolkata 700017

Transfront Solutions

KOLKATA 700025

Ureka Technologies

70/ 6, Diamod Harbour Road,
Kolkata 700023

Vedika Software Pvt Ltd

11 Circus Market PlaceAgarwalla Chamber
Kolkata 700017

Webel Technology Limited

Block BP,
Plot 5, Sector V
Kolkata 700 091

Learning Solutions Pvt Ltd

Apeejay Business Center,Apeejay house,
Block- A, 8th Floor,15, Park Street,

Botree Software International Ltd

57, Russa Road,
Kolkata - 700033

Celcius Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

BIPPL, Bld-B, 1st Floor,
Block EP&GPSector V,
Salt Lake Electronics Complex
Kolkata- 700091

CIANT Technologies Pvt Ltd


Compare Infobase Pvt Ltd

Kolkata Knowledge CenterBlock EN-27,
1st & 3rd Floor,Sector 5, Salt Lake City,

Data-Core (India) Pvt Ltd
DG Block, Sector II,

Salt Lake City 700 064 Kolkata

Databazaar India Pvt Ltd
Infinity Tower-II, Plot# A3Block-GP,
Sector VSaltlec Electronic Complex
Calcutta WB 700 091

Descon Ltd

Plot No. X1-2&3, Block-EP,
Sector-V, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata-700091, West Bengal

Digital Data Systems

4/1 Middleton Street,
304 & 305 Sikkim Commerce House
Calcutta 700 071

DPS Technologies India Pvt Ltd

4th Floor, Phase II,
NAM ComplexBlock M, New Alipore
Kolkata - 700 053

DPS Technologies India Pvt Ltd

4th Floor, Phase II,
NAM ComplexBlock M, New Alipore
Kolkata - 700 053

EMC Data Storage Systems (India) Private Limited

Apeejay Business Centre,The Parliament Suite,
Apeejay House,Block - "A", 8th floor,15,
Park Street,
Kolkata - 700 016

Enterprise System Solutions Pvt Ltd

Eternity Building5th Floor, DN1 Sector V,
Salt Lake Kolkata- 700091

Globsyn Technologies Ltd

TechnoCampus X1/11 & 12 ,
Block- EP, Sector- VSalt Lake,
Calcutta - 700 091

Globsyn Technologies Ltd.
FD-404, Sector III,
Salt Lake Calcutta 700 091

Hinditron Infosystems Pvt Ltd

Castle House, 5th Floor,
5/1-A, Hungerford Street.
Kolkata - 700 017

Infovision Software Pvt. Ltd.

46 / 31 / 1, Gariahat Road,
Ballygunge New Market [AC],3rd Floor,
Kolkata - 700029.

Infovision Software Pvt. Ltd.

103/5, Basanta Lal Saha Road,
Gupta Niketan (Kolabagan),
Kolkata - 700 053, West Bengal

Integrated Property Management & Services Ltd C/O IL&FS Limited,

Constantia,11, Dr. Brahmachari Street,

Inuva Info Management Pvt Ltd

DC 27/26, Deb Kutir,Salt Lake, Sector -I,
Kolkata - 700064

iViZ Techno Solutions Pvt Ltd

eRevMax House
(First Floor)Block - EP & GP,
Plot No: XI - 16, Sector - VSalt Lake,
Kolkata - 700 091

IVL India Pvt Ltd
Ground Floor,
STP-II BuildingSalt Lake City,
Kolkata- 700091

KCP Technologies Ltd
Annapurna Apartments,
10-E10th Floor,
68 Ballygange Circular Road
Kolkata - 700019

Labvantage Solutions Pvt Ltd

Bengal Intelligent Park,
Building C,2nd Floor, Sector V,
Salt Lake Electronics Complex,
Kolkata - 700 091

Lalani Infotech
228A AJC Bose Road,
Calcutta 700 020

Next Link (P) Ltd
Plot no. XI - 16, Block EP & GPSector - V,
2nd Floor2nd Building,
Salt Lake
City Kolkata - 700 091

Ideal Plaza,11 / 1,
Sarat Bose Road
Calcutta - 700 020

Ontrack Systems Limited
Global Delivery CentrePlot Y-18,
EP-Block, Sector-V, Salt Lake.
Kolkata - 700 091

Oracle India Pvt Ltd
31, Shakespeare saraniJasmine Tower,
4th FloorUnit no. 404A & 404B
Kolkata 700017

Philips Software Centre Pvt. Ltd.
7, Justice Chandra Madhab Road,
Kolkata 700 020

Phoenix Software Ltd
4/1 Red Cross Place,

R S Software (India) Ltd.
Salt Lake Electronic Complex,Block BN,
Sector - 5,Salt Lake City,
Kolkata 700091

RailTel Corporation of India Ltd
New Koilaghat Building1st Floor,
14, Strand Road
Kolkata - 70001

Red Hat India Pvt Ltd
Landmark Building,228A,
A. J. C. Bose Road,Flat - 2B,
2nd Floor,

Research Engineers Pvt Ltd

E2-4, Block GPSect V,
Salt Lake
Kolkata 700 091

Research Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
E2-4, GP Block, Sector V,
Salt Lake City
Calcutta 700 091

RS Software India Ltd.
A-2, FMC Fortuna,
234-3A, AJC Bose Road
Calcutta 700 020

Score Information Technologies Ltd.
5, Middleton Street,
Kolkata- 71, West Bengal

SkyTECH Solutions Pvt Ltd
BIPPL Building A,Block EP & GP,
Sector V, Salt Lake,
Kolkata - 700 091

Spanco Telesystems and Solutions Limited
J1-14, Block EP,5th floor, Sector V,
Saltlake City,
Kolkata - 700 091

Tata Consultancy Services Ltd
Bengal Intelligent Park, 3rd & 4th FloorPlot A2,
M2 & N2, Sector V, Salt LakeElectronics Complex,
Kolkata 700 091

Tata Interactive Systems
Millennium City Information Technology Park,
Sixth Floor, Tower II, Plot No. DN 62, Sector V,
Salt Lake Kolkata 700 091

TeamLease Services Pvt Ltd
No. 2C and 2DSecond Floor,
Park Plaza#71, Park Street,
Kolkata - 700016

Tech Mahindra Ltd
3rd and 4th floor, C BldgBengal Intelligent Park Ltd,
Opp Infinity Towers, Sector 5Salt Lake,
Kolkata 700 091

Tuli e-Services CK 233, Sector 2, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700091

UshaComm India Pvt Ltd
25A, Shakespeare Sarani Kolkata 700017

Vedika Software Pvt Ltd
Corporate Headquarters
11 Circus Market Place, 6 Agarwalla Chambers,
Kolkata 700017

Vedika Software Pvt. Ltd.
21 Lansdowne Court, 5B Sarat Bose Road
Calcutta 700 020

Vision Comptech Ltd
Plot No. X1-15, Block EP,Sector - V,
Salt Lake Electronics Complex, Kolkata - 700 091

Vision Comptech Ltd
Plot No Y-13, 4th Floor,Block EP,
Sector V, Salt Lake Electronics Complex,
Kolkata 700091,

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Defect Tracking Tools

This is a list of defect tracking tools. Both commercial and freeware tools are included. The tools on this list are all available standalone, with the exception of a few that are integrated with a test management system. Tools that are only available as part of a bundled suite of tools, such as a configuration management toolset or a complex CASE tool, are not included. Tools that are better suited as call management tools than defect tracking tools are not included, though some tools that are listed claim to do both well.
Many of the tools on this page do not include a Software Description section. This was done to make is easier when I first set up the page. I am now accepting updates and new entries from vendors that include this section.

+1CR (+1 Software Engineering)
Aardvark (Red Gate Software Ltd.)
Abuky (freeware)
AceProject (Websystems Inc.)
AdminiTrack (AdminiTrack, Inc.)
Advanced Defect Tracking (Borderwave Software)
Alcea Fast BugTrack (Alcea Technologies Ltd.)
AllChange (Intasoft)
AQdevTeam (AutomatedQA Corp.)
Atlassian JIRA (Atlassian Software Systems)
BitDesk (PTLogica)
BMC Remedy Quality Management (BMC Software, Inc.)
BridgeTrak Suite (Kemma Software)
Bug Trail
BugAware (Jackal Software Pty Ltd)
BugBase 2000 (Threerock Software)
BugBox (BugBox) (Bugcentral Inc.)
Bug/Defect Tracking Expert (Applied Innovation Management, Inc.)
Buggit (freeware)
Buggy (Novosys EDV GmbH)
BugHost (Active-X.COM)
BugLister (Hajo Kirchhoff), Inc.)
BugRat (freeware)
BugStation (Bugopolis LLC)
BUGtrack (ForeSoft Corporation)
Bugtrack (freeware)
Bug Tracker Server (Avensoft)
Bug Tracker Software (Bug Tracker Software)
Bugzero (WEBsina)
Bugzilla (freeware)
Census Bug Tracking and Defect Tracking (Metaquest)
Change Commander (Lightspeed Software)
ClearDDTS (IBM Rational)
ClearQuest (IBM Rational)
CustomerFirst (Repository Technologies, Inc.)
Debian Bug Tracking System (freeware)
Defect Agent (Inborne Technology Corporation)
Defect Manager (Tiera Software, Inc)
Defect Tracker (New Fire)
defectX (defectX)
DevTrack (TechExcel, Inc)
d-Tracker (Empirix)
elementool (elementool Inc.)
eQRP (Amadeus International Inc.)
ExtraView (Sesame Technology)
Flats Helpdesk (WarrinerWare)
FMAS (stag software private limited)
FogBUGZ (Fog Creek Software)
GNATS (freeware)
Helis (freeware)
icTracker (IC Soft, Inc.)
inControl (stag software private limited)
IOS/Track (Interobject Systems)
IssueNet Intercept
IssueView (IssueView.Com)
JitterBug (freeware)
LegendSoft SPoTS (LegendSoft Inc.)
Mantis (freeware)
McCabe CM - TRUEtrack (McCabe Software, Inc.)
OfficeClip Defect Tracker (OfficeClip. LLC)
OnTime Defect Tracker
Ozibug (Tortuga Technologies)
PloneCollectorNG (ZOPYX Software development and consulting Andreas Jung)
Problem Reporting System (Testmasters, Inc)
ProblemTracker (NetResults)
ProjectLocker (One Percent Software)
ProjectPortal (Most Media)
PR-Tracker (Softwise Company)
QAS.PTAR (Problem Tracking and Reporting)
QuickBugs (Excel Software)
RADAR (Cosmonet Solutions)
Razor/PT (Visible Systems Corporation)
RMTrack (RMTrack Issue Tracking Solutions Inc.)
Roundup (freeware)
Scarab (freeware)
SilkCentral Issue Manager (Borland)
SourceCast(CollabNet, Inc. )
Support Tracker
SWBTracker (Software with Brains Inc.)
Squish (Information Management Services, Inc.)
T-Plan Incident Manager (T-Plan)
TeamTrack (TeamShare, Inc.)
Telelogic Change (Telelogic AB)
TestTrack Pro (Seapine Software)
Trac (Edgewall Software)
Trackem (Pikon Innovations)
Tracker (freeware)
TrackStudio Enterprise (TrackStudio, Ltd)
TrackWeb Defects (Soffront)
Trackgear (LogiGear)
TrackRecord (Compuware)
Trackwise (Sparta Systems)
Visual Intercept (Elsinore Technologies)
WebPTS (Zambit Technologies, Inc.)
yKAP - Your Kind Attention Please (DCom Solutions) ZeroDefect (ProStyle Software Inc.)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Software Test Planning

This shows the flow of deliverables among major participants (the stick figures in the use case diagram above).

The darker vertical lines illustrate the principal exchanges of artifacts of information — the teamwork necessary among participants.

Each artifact's color identify one of the 4 metalayers (packages) of abstraction defined by the UML 2.0 Test Profile (U2TP) standard:

1. Test Architecture defining concepts related to test structure and test configuration (containing the relationship of elements involved in a test project)
2. Test Behaviors defining concepts related to the dynamic aspects of test procedures — structural (static) Model -> Test Execution Directives (The interface for testing)
3. Test Data (the structures and meaning of values to be processed in a test)
4. Test Time defining concepts for a time quantified definition of test procedures (constraints and time observation for test execution)

The word "Profile" in U2TP means that it conforms to UML standards.

The seven basic types of testing as defined by SourceLab's "CERT7" are:

Type of Testing

1. Unit Testing
2. Functional Testing
3. Security Testing
4. Stress Testing
5. ScalabilityTesting
6. Reliability Testing
7. Integration Testing

Testing Terminologies

Mercury Interactive's Quality Center (formerly TestDirector) product organizes each requirement for testing as a test subject for each AUT under a Test Plan Tree hierarchy. Both manual and automated scripts can be specified in TestDirector. Each test script selected from the tree becomes a Test Step in a Test Set actually executed by TestDirector.

In Rational's TestManager, a test plan contains test cases organized within test case folders. These are read by Rational's ClearQuest defect tracking system.

Why Bother with UML Test Profiles?

o You can describe a system precisely using UML. That's the reason why UML was invented. The visual representation of test artifacts aims for common and thus hopefully unambiguous intrepretation of test designs.

o UML is the language (lingua franca) "spoken" by "professional" system architects and developers. Testers need to understand the Model Drive Architectures (MDA) that they design and build.

o The UML standard Test Profiles includes specification of plain-text XML which (at this point, theoretically) enables tool independent interchange of test profile information.

o Soon, test tools will require testers to augment UML created by architects to specify testing at a higher level of abstraction instead of crafting scripts as automation testers do now. Testers will specify executable UML action semantics which are automatically compiled into platform-specific test components used to conduct testing.

Test Outputs
The purpose of testing is to obtain information needed to make decisions about a System Under test (SUT).

Test Logs
With UML: A Test Log is an interaction resulting from the execution of a test case. It represents (remembers) the different messages exchanged between test components and the SUT and/or the states of the test components involved.

A log is associated with verdicts representing the adherence of the SUT to the test objective of the associated test case.

The names of test log files usually differ by vendor:
o Logs output by the testing tool:
+ WinRunner, test Logs
+ LoadRunner output.txt and run logs.
o Logs output by scripts within test tools.
o Java JVM verbose logs
o Windows OS Application logs and Security logs.
o An application's stdout and stderr files.

Test Results
Test Results are Key Measures in Test
o Number of
o Time needed to run script

Work Load Analysis Model
See Performance Testing using LoadRunner

Test Evaluation Summary
Performance Reports and Enhancement Requests, Defect Reports, or something.

Test Plan Sections
Test Plan

Test Interface Specs
With U2TP, a test suite has a constraint: it must contain exactly one property realizing the
Arbiter interface

A structured classifier acting as a grouping mechanism for a set of test cases. The composite structure of a test suite is referred to as test configuration. The classifier behavior of a test suite is used for test control.

Test Environment Configuration

Test Automatation Architecture

Test Classes

Test Scripts

Starting from the upper right corner of this diagram from the UML 2.0 Test standard document:
The System Under Test (SUT)
The system under test (SUT) is a part and is the system, subsystem, or component being tested. An SUT can consist of several objects.

In UML testing profiles, the system under test (SUT) is not specified as part of the test model, but as a <> which the test architecture package imports the complete design (UML) model of the SUT in order to get the right to access the elements to be tested.

The SUT is exercised via its public interface operations and signals by the test components.

It is assumed that no further information can be obtained from the SUT as it is a black-box.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Software Testing Release Life Cycle

Software Testing Life Cycle consist of six (generic) phases: 1) Planning, 2) Analysis, 3) Design, 4) Construction, 5) Testing Cycles, 6) Final Testing and Implementation and 7) Post Implementation.

1. Planning ( Product Definition Phase)

1.1. High Level Test Plan, (includes multiple test cycles)
1.2. Quality Assurance Plan (Quality goals, Beta criteria, etc ..)
1.3. Identify when reviews will be held.
1.4. Problem Reporting Procedures
1.5. Identify Problem Classification.
1.6. Identify Acceptance Criteria - for QA and Users.
1.7. Identify application testing databases
1.8. Identify measurement criteria, i.e. defect quantities/severity level and defect origin (to name a few).
1.9. Identify metrics for the project
1.10. Begin overall testing project schedule (time, resources etc.)
1.11. Requisite: Review Product Definition Document
1.11.1. QA input to document as part of the Process Improvement Project
1.11.2. Help determine scope issues based on Features of the Product
1.11.3. 5 - 10 hours / month approximately

1.12. Plan to manage all test cases in a database, both manual or automated.

2. Analysis ( External Document Phase)

2.1. Develop Functional validation matrix based on Business Requirements.
2.2. Develop Test Case format - time estimates and priority assignments.
2.3. Develop Test Cycles matrices and time lines
2.4. Begin writing Test Cases based on Functional Validation matrix
2.5. Map baseline data to test cases to business requirements
2.6. Identify test cases to automate.
2.7. Automation team begin to setup variable files and high level scripts in AutoTester.
2.8. Setup TRACK and AutoAdviser for tracking components of automated system.
2.9. Define area for Stress and Performance testing.
2.10. Begin development of Baseline Database as per test case data requirements.
2.11. Define procedures for Baseline Data maintenance, i.e. backup, restore, validate.
2.12. Begin planning the number of test cycles required for the project, and Regression Testing.
2.13. Begin review of documentation, i.e. Functional Design, Business Requirements, Product Specifications, Product Externals etc..
2.14. Review test environments and lab, both Front End and Back End.
2.15. Prepare for using McCabe tool to support development in white box testing and code complexity analysis.
2.16. Setup Requite and start inputting documents.
2.17. Requisite: Review Externals Document
2.17.1. QA input to document as part of the Process Improvement Project
2.17.2. Start to write test cases from Action Response Pair Groups
2.17.3. Start to develop metrics based on estimated number of test cases, time to execute each case and if it is “automatable” .
2.17.4. Define baseline data for each test case
2.17.5. 25 hours / month approximately

3. Design (Architecture Document Phase)

3.1. Revise Test Plan based on changes.
3.2. Revise Test Cycle matrices and timelines
3.3. Verify that Test Plan and cases are in a database or Requisite.
3.4. Revise Functional Matrix
3.5. Continual to write out test cases and add new ones based on changes.
3.6. Develop Risk Assessment Criteria
3.7. Formalize details for automated testing and multi-user testing.
3.8. Select set of test cases to automate and begin scripting them.
3.9. Formalize detail for Stress and Performance testing
3.10. Finalize test cycles. (number of test case per cycle based on time estimates per test case and priority.)
3.11. Finalize the Test Plan
3.12. (Estimate resources to support development in unit testing)
3.13. Requisite: Review Architecture Document
3.13.1. QA input to document as part of the Process Improvement Project
3.13.2. Actual components or modules that development will code.
3.13.3. Unit testing standard defined here, pass/fail criteria, etc.
3.13.4. Unit testing reports, what they will look like, for both white and black box testing including input/outputs and all decision points.
3.13.5. List of modules that will be unit tested.

2. Construction (Unit Testing Phase)

2.1. Complete all plans
2.2. Complete Test Cycle matrices and timelines
2.3. Complete all test cases. (manual)
2.4. Complete AutoTester scripting of first set of automated test cases.
2.5. Complete plans for Stress and Performance testing
2.6. Begin Stress and Performance testing
2.7. McCabe tool support - supply metrics
2.8. Test the automated testing system and fix bugs.
2.9. (Support development in unit testing)
2.10. Run QA Acceptance test suite to certify software is ready to turn over to QA.

3. Test Cycle(s) / Bug Fixes (Re-Testing/System Testing Phase)

3.1. Test Cycle 1, run first set of test cases (front and back end)
3.2. Report bugs
3.3. Bug Verification - ongoing activity
3.4. Revise test cases as required
3.5. Add test cases as required
3.6. Test Cycle II
3.7. Test Cycle III

4. Final Testing and Implementation (Code Freeze Phase)

4.1. Execution of all front end test cases - manual and automated.
4.2. Execution of all back end test cases - manual and automated.
4.3. Execute all Stress and Performance tests.
4.4. Provide on-going defect tracking metrics.
4.5. Provide on-going complexity and design metrics.
4.6. Update estimates for test cases and test plans.
4.7. Document test cycles, regression testing, and update accordingly.

5. Post Implementation

5.1. Post implementation evaluation meeting to review entire project. (lessons learned)
5.2. Prepare final Defect Report and associated metrics.
5.3. Identify strategies to prevent similar problems in future project.
5.4. Create plan with goals and milestone how to improve processes.
5.5. McCabe tools - produce final reports and analysis.
5.6. Automation team - 1) Review test cases to evaluate other cases to be automated for regression testing, 2) Clean up automated test cases and variables, and 3) Review process of integrating results from automated testing in with results from manual testing.
5.7. Test Lab and testing environment - clean up test environment, tag and archive tests and data for that release, restore test machines to baseline, and etc. ..

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

QA Process and Offering

In todays business environment, compressed development schedules are a commonplace to meet time-to-market deadlines. Implementation of software risk management through all stages of a development cycle is essential for successful software product/application development. Our customized software risk management services encompass project, product and process related risks. We are a quality driven enterprise working with various quality tools staring from Mercury to others that are used on a regular basis.

Our software risk management framework includes:

• Development lifecycle study.
• Risk identification.
• Risk analysis.
• Risk mitigation strategy & Implementation.
• Risk monitoring.

Based on this model, we offer:

• Software Risk Management & Analysis.
• Full Lifecycle Testing.
• Black Box Testing.
• White Box Testing.
• Test Automation.
• Security Testing.

A Peek into our QA Process

 Testing Life Cycle

Full Lifecycle Testing

Early detection of software defects can result in huge time and cost savings for any enterprise. Software testing at every stage of software development life cycle can prevent defect occurrence and ensure reliable software development for businesses. we provide full life cycle testing services for product and application development life cycles. Our services include:

• Unit Testing.
• Integration Testing.
• System Testing.
• Regression Testing.
• Acceptance Testing.
• Test Management.

Black Box Testing

Verification and validation of software products and applications for functional and non-functional requirements forms the basis of Black-Box testing methodology. Software products and applications are tested for functionality, performance, platform & data compatibility and ease of use through this methodology. our black box testing methodology covers the following:

• Functionality Testing.
• GUI Testing.
• Performance Testing.
• Stress and Load Testing.
• Compatibility Testing.
• Installation Testing.

White Box Testing

White box testing improves the testability of a software product by making testing more effective and efficient. Many modules and subsystems of a software project require testing in isolation. White box testing achieves this by testing every single line of code of individual components of software products and applications. our provides white box testing services for applications developed using any language. Our services include:

• Code Coverage.
• Path Coverage.
• Code Analysis.

Test Automation

Software testing is often perceived as a bottleneck operation in the software delivery process. Automation testing solves this problem by drastically reducing testing cycle times. Automation testing requires thorough study of development process and software solution architecture, selection of suitable test automation tools and implementation of test automation. our test automation services encompass white-box as well as black box testing methodologies. Our test automation framework includes:

• Study of Development Process and Solution Architecture.
• Automation Test Strategy.
• Selection of Appropriate Testing Tools.
• Test Automation Implementation.
• Siri also develops customized test automation tools for specific client

Security Testing

In today’s networked business environment, users access many enterprise applications over public networks. These applications contain confidential business data, which needs to be protected from unauthorized and unauthenticated access. Many enterprise applications and data are vulnerable to external and internal threats. we provides security-testing services for software products, applications and enterprise data. Our security testing services include:

• Application Vulnerability Assessment.
• Risk Identification.

Our application software testing and quality assurance services are designed for accelerated time-to-market and reduced costs.

Software Testing - Bug Life Cycle